couples massage oil


Couples Massage Oil is made with an essential oil blend of Ylang Ylang Ginger Sweet Orange. Great for deep tissue massage therapy.

The ingredients include:

  • Sweet Almond Oil is known to enhance skin’s elasticity. ( Please do not use if you are allergic to nuts)
  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is used in aromatherapy and is known to have an alluring, romance-enhancing property, widely used in perfumery for oriental or floral-themed perfumes with its vivid floral and fruit notes.
  • Sweet Orange Essential Oil has a citrusy and tart aroma. It uplifts your emotions and sweeps away stress.  Because of its antidepressant and stimulating benefits, it has been used in aromatherapy to stir up calmness and joy.

Not for people with a nut allergy.

218g  (packaged in a 4oz amber glass bottle)




couples massage oil